Publicación: Relación de las curvas de energía específica y pendiente de fricción con las zonas de flujo libre en canales
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One objective of an introductory course of open-channel flow is the analysis of gradually varied flow profiles. This paper shows a teaching-learning strategy that might improve the university practices for teaching hydraulics. It is well known the depth-specific energy curve (y-E) for describing and interpreting open-channel flow hydraulics. It is proposed to complement that curve with the depth-energy slope curve (y-sf). By using a graphic comparison, it aims to illustrate the concepts of the subcritical (y>ycritical, v<vcritical), critical and supercritical flow concepts and, on the other hand, the subnormal (y>ynormal, v<vnormal), normal y supernormal flow concepts. This way, it is proposed to explain the behavior of the twelve possible gradually varied flow profiles.